face muscles

Discussion started by Atha67



please see my skull and muscles on it in these links

I really like to know about your opinions


Posted about 2 years ago

Great job! Congrats!

Atha67 wrote
thank you
Posted over 2 years ago

I don't know that much about face muscles, but what I see looked like a Play-Doh model with all the colors, and without tendons connecting the muscle and bone, so it does look good for a child learning toy. It might even be the future, because what was only learned in anatomy college classes is learned more advanced it high school, soon brain surgery could be a grade school subject, and anatomy learning in Kindergarten, and kindergarten starting at 3 years old.
3 is the average age when memory starts, and that average might be younger with the advancements today.
My youngest sister, came out of the hospital after she was born, and I remember it as the day my memories started working, I was 2.5 years old, and remembered people I rarely saw, and some events from a year old.
That make this a good time to start learning, because of the need to build memories while they are eager to learn.
So this can be great, while having tendons to connect muscle to bone might help understand how it works more. The tendons can look like glue. I know if who it works don't make sense, then it is more related to a lie, and I don't care to remember details of lies, just truth. I might be the only one with this opinion, but if you feel this is true then you can add little patches to connect the muscle to bone, or not.

Besides that, I like this.

Atha67 wrote
Thank you very much for taking the time to comment on my work with such care and detail I will definitely pay more attention to tendons Especially if children are supposed to learn from this model

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