31 May 2016

VR Space Challenge: Launch Your 3D Project Into Space

Featured post

There's been that little dream in everyone's head - at some point in your life, you have thought about going into space (never mind all the hard training and the experience your body and mind would have to go through). And there's always a kid inside each one of us who would still love that - well, getting into VR Space Challenge is the next best thing!

Your limits are very few. Apart from being a low-poly model (up to 50,000 polygons), all you have to do is figure a space station, a shuttle, a new planet, an astronaut costume or anything else you can relate to space. The prizes include:

  • Pixplant 3 Full version for Windows or Mac OS X (Chosen by the winner),
  • Spineland Plugin by iCube R&D Group ( a plugin for Autodesk 3ds Max that helps to generate topographically accurate terrains from a set of splines and lay roads),
  • $1000 of render fee by Fox Renderfarm.

The contest will go deep into the summer - the deadline is at the 8th of August - lots of time to make a great case of Space models! There will be 5 winners in total - 3 for best models and 2 for best portfolio. Any designer with 7 or more entries to the challenge will be able to win the Best portfolio category.

Almost 3 weeks of full Virtual reality-based thinking about the deep corners of space have done no harm to anyone and now it's our turn.

