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CGShape Uploads 170+ 3D Models

In the last few days we witnessed one of the most numerous upload since the launch. The authors from CGShape uploaded more than 170 3D models without any help from us. This means two things: gets more and more trust from widely acknowledged 3D authors; we succeded to improve uploading and portfolio managment operations so that even huge number of 3D models is not a limitation to join CGShape’s models are very...
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CGTrader Jumps Into "Business Daily" Last Page

Lithuanian business daily Verslo žinios (Business news) today's issue is special. At least for CGTrader team as we filled up the whole last page of the paper! So today CGTrader is on every desk of Lithuanian businessmen. Hope to get to many other local medias worldwide soon! What's in the article? Follow the e-version link and use google translate (from Lithuanian) :)
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New Product Type - Exclusive 3D Model

We are happy to announce new product type - Exclusive 3d model. This is experimental feature which lets professional artists to publish their 3D models without uploading product files. 'Exclusive' stands for very high quality 3D model. Files of Exclusive 3D model do not reside on CGTrader, authors publish only images and general information about the model. To purchase it, please contact the author and negotiate all the details directly.
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Homepage Re-design and Bug Fixes

Quite a busy June for CGTrader team. Many bug fixes and improvements to design and style. Also put an interactive infographic slideshow to help you understand how selling 3d models works on CGTrader. Don't forget to publish 3d models, invite referrals and leave feedback. A lot more to come. Stay tuned!
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Auto-publishing Large Libraries via FTP

Re-publishing large library to a new online shop can be tedious task. It may take weeks to upload hundreds of models one by one and set all the relevant details. Although artists want to increase publicity for their products, usually they don't want to go through boring job of publishing whole library once again. After discussing with several big vendors we started offering auto-publishing via FTP. Now all you need to do is to simply...
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New Category For Game and Realtime Application

Now you can publish 3D models intended for game or realtime applications under the category Game / Realtime. In the future we will implement related features in publisher and search engine. Game / Realtime category contains these subcategories: Characters Creatures Environments Other Plants Technology Join the discussion about game-ready products.
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Quality Promotion and Trusted Vendors

Quality promotion and Trusted Vendor features are not used yet to full extent. We plan to apply these methods soon, after development of back-end management is complete.
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Known Bugs, Fixes and Upcoming Updates

Here is the list of upcoming features and known issues we are working on right now: Item page doesn’t show product category in which a product is published. Will be implemented as breadcrumbs navigation address below menu bar. Search phrase and selected filters get canceled when Sorting or “Items per page” functions are used. Advanced Search by Author name doesn’t work. Related Keywords on Product page need some calibration to suggest better keywords. 3D models...
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CGTrader Launch Sets New Rules of The Game

We a’re excited to launch a platform for CG community that will change the rules of the game within CG community. This is very ambitious target, we know, and the only way to achieve it is keep ourselves focused on developing both the platform and new understanding of what fair partnership in CG industry really means. The platform is in open-beta yet, developers team is focused on fixing the known issues. We’re looking forward to...
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Introducing the CGTrader Quality Standard and the Kodama plugin

At CGTrader, we continually strive to optimize the digital 3D experience for all members of our community, whether creators or buyers of 3D models. Today, we're excited to introduce two major developments that will significantly impact how 3D models are created, validated, and used: the CGTrader Quality Standard and the Kodama Plugin. The CGTrader Quality Standard - Setting the Standard for Quality and Interoperability The CGTrader Quality Standard is a new framework that we've developed...