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  • CG Aliens in Space Challenge: Let's Inject Some 3D Fantasies into This Alien Story
30 Jul 2015

CG Aliens in Space Challenge: Let's Inject Some 3D Fantasies into This Alien Story

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Is there life on Mars or are we alone in the entire universe? There are thousands of UFO stories and aliens being spotted around the world every day... are all of them pure lies? And what about the future? Will those creatures (if they exist?!) live among us and become part of our society?

These questions have been tackled in various sci-fi movies, games and books about alien attacks and invasions. However, fantasy films aren't the only factors making us doubt our fact-based reality. "I think we're going to have strong indications of life beyond Earth within a decade, and I think we're going to have definitive evidence within 20 to 30 years," says NASA chief scientist Ellen Stofan and - you will agree - he is pretty convincing. Or at least a little bit more realistic.

Inspired by the numerous sources of alien-focused discussions, we got curious to know how CG designers imagine aliens and interpret this challenge theme. Its title indicates what we're looking for: show us fictional creature from the planets existing in space (or inside your head, for that matter), design their spaceships or other spacecraft helping them to travel from one planet to another, and construct their living environment in 3D. Let's inject some 3D fantasies into this alien story.

Surprise us and our sponsors Cheetah3D, LightWave 3D Group and RebusFarm by creating totally new worlds with living yet undiscovered creatures!

