Syringe pump 50ml DIY

Syringe pump 50ml DIY 3D print model


this is a syringe pump designed for a 50ml syringe, if linked with a stepper motor (which i do not have) coud be used to pump in or out a liquid with a great level of precision, this could be useful for gel or food 3D printing as well.

in the files you will find :

Rail X2: those are side rails you have to print two of them

carriage X2 : those house a captive M8 nut and ride along the side rails, print, place the nut in between and fasten with two M3 (3mm diameter and 10mm long) bolts (use the holes next to the 8mm hole)

carriage syringe stop: this attaches to the assembeled carriage using two M3 12mm bolts use the two remaining holes

back panel: speaks for itself, held by four M3 15mm bolts to the rails

front sering holder: this is what holds the syringe in place for the piston to move inside it, it is held by four M3 15mm bolts to the rails, print it upright to avoid supports

handle: if you want to turn the threaded rod by hand fasten this to the back end with M8 bolts

you will also need:

one M8 threded rod at least 180mm long

at least five M8 nuts, and washers

i printed it 0.3mm layer hight and 30% infill, PLA, no supports needed

enjoy, looking forward to seeing your prints

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Syringe pump 50ml DIY
Royalty Free License 
Syringe pump 50ml DIY
Royalty Free License 
Response 100% in 14.1h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (6 files)916 KB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-02-19
  • Model ID#2280293
  • Ready for 3D Printing