This is a pack of carnation models with 9 varying variants, made with Blender 2.91. There are high, medium and low polys available, and multiple PBR maps.
The model is made at real-world scale.
No part-name confusion when importing several models into a scene.
No external add-ons needed.
No lights or cameras.
Put the model into the scene to render without cleaning.
20 pieces of 2K&4K PBR maps
Including high, medium and low polys, 30 objects in total.
Few N-gons.
A small part of orientation of normals is not unified.
Overlapping Unwrapped UVs.
Blender project, fbx and obj file.
Neither animation nor rigging.
High Polys*19: Vertices 1,341,352; Edges 2,486,176 Quads 1,147,465;
Medium Polys*19: Vertices 521,339; Edges 957,825; Quads 441,220;
Low Polys*19: Vertices 113,487; Edges 222,571; Quads 114,497;