Small set of lowpoly PBR outdoor gas cookers in assembled and disassembled form.
This package contains five cooker part meshes in FBX format, PBR (metalness and specular) materials and related high resolution textures (4096 x 2048 pixels) – Albedo – specular, Albedo – metalness, Ambient Oclussion, Smoothness, Specular, Metalness and Normal map.This product contains Unity package (version 2021.3) with all prefabs in PBR metalness + specular and a separate archive with assets only.
Ready for any outdoor, survival, archiviz, or realistic environment you're creating!
8 textures (4096 x 2048 pixels)
5 cooker part meshes (UV mapped) in FBX format
4 URP PBR materials (Unity package)
16 cooker part and meged cooker prefabs (Unity package)1 preview scene with camera orbit script and related utility files (Unity package)
Unity package set up for Universal Scriptable Rendering Pipeline (models and textures are backward compatible with Standard–Specular or convertible into HDRP).