Polygons:1,346,362 Vertexes: 2,037,151 Render engine: corona and Vray Previews are rendered with corona System units are centimeters
. All objects in the scene are logically named, attached, and have their own material of the same name / Multi / sub-object. . Unwrapped in the necessary ones other one are UVW map. . When purchased you will find two 3ds max files; one in the corona and one in Vray render engine and each one of them is 379MB. you will also find an Obj file in the size of 220 MB along with the map folder which has 53 textures in it in the size of 94MB. .
Mirror is CAMEO: https://www.madebyanden.co.uk/cameo Candle is H&M but with a different lid texture: https://www2.hm.com/en_us/productpage.0987278002.html Vase is modeled from IKEA vase but with a different material: https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/padrag-vase-clear-glass-10470991/ Perfume is UNISEX and from dossier: https://dossier.co/products/ambery-cherry