Parametric Periscope

Parametric Periscope Free 3D print model



I bought some 1mirrors from Michael's (that's why the tolerances on this thing are so awful... the tolerances on their 1 mirrors aren't that great, so I had to make it able to fit the biggest mirror that I had in my batch), and whipped up a quick OpenSCAD box for them to be a periscope in! Now you can look over/around things, or maybe print 2 and enhance your depth perception!

I design things in my free time, just for fun. If you like my stuff, send me some DOGE. It'll totally make my day! Thank you.



Just print one, pop it off the build plate, and glue in a mirror to each end!

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Parametric Periscope
Custom No Ai License 
Parametric Periscope
Custom No Ai License 
Response 0% in 48.0h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Other 884 Bytes
  • Stereolithography (.stl)21.3 KB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2016-01-26
  • Model ID#240553
  • Ready for 3D Printing