Putting your artists in the spotlight

Discussion started by grumpntug

The potential for CG Trader is amazing to be a place for artist community and selling models but right now both are only done partially well. Pricing is all over the place. I see poor quality work set to hundreds of dollars and some great work going for like 20 dollars. Artists seem to not know the value of their work which then makes everyone choose random price points. I myself have some random prices for things since all the other models have such strange price points. You can't sell a model that took 16 hours for the correct price because it would be way too high in comparison. How do you compete in that setting? You start undercutting. Now all your prices are wacky. There's been suggestions on a minimum price etc. but I don't think you can ever solve that. There's going to be people charging the wrong price or "the best" price. So I think the answer actually lies in the community side of it.

Right now you have a Top models section that is SUPER confusing on how you get into it. There's some loose outlines available but I've seen models that have a ton of views, likes etc. be top models and I've seen models that have like 13 views and no likes be a top model. No idea what it takes at that point and it makes the "best of the best" concept false. If you don't know what to shoot for, how can you set the bar for your site quality and artists? 

I think the whole landing page could use an overhaul. Your top work is your bread and butter from a business standpoint but you don't want to alienate your new or novice artists so I think there need to be multiple spotlights. Like Top models that are honestly the super high quality work with tons of views, likes, etc. Rules that really make it the top of the mountain and you work hard to get there. Those are your rock stars. Top sellers to give an example of what sells well on your site and artists can compare to their own. Up and coming to show work on the rise. This one is more akin to what Top model is currently. Then new arrivals which is the fast revolving door that gets new work in the spotlight as it comes in. You could also have sections like top vehicles, top architectural etc. All depends on how granular you want to get, what sells best, and how much screen space you want to give to what.

Keep the top designers of the week as it is. Works well with the rep system and everything.

The more ways you showcase your best work and new work, the more people want to browse and the more sales get made. Now you have a scenario where your best artists are the trend setters. They probably have a better idea of how to price their work and value their time so there is a target for everyone else to aim for which may help a bit on the pricing end of things in the community.

I feel like CG Trader wants to be seen as an artist hang out where the pros go that also sells their work. So it should feel more like that. I go to Art Station every day to get inspired and see some great stuff. I feel like I need to dig here to get to that point.

That's the way I see it anyway. I could be horribly wrong. I just feel that CGT is very close to being awesome but is lacking some polish.


Posted about 9 years ago

It's a bit of a challenge if you are a fantasy or sci- fi artist on CGt, most traffic is going to regular models like architectural stuff and boats, cars, planes, electronics, etc. So that pushes fantasy stuff a bit more into the background. On websites like artstation it's the other way around.

CGtrader has the ambition to collect "all" art types and become the biggest stock media repository on the web, but at the same time it needs to be able to deliver tailored user experiences/representations to the specific different types of users, right?

So currently CGt collects all types of content but in effect is not able to represent it efficiently to the different types of artists/users.

My suggestion would be to leave that representation to the artist themselves.

Made some proposals in the past to make CGt more like a collective of store owners that would be trading under one large common brand name. It would be more like a type of pinterest, where everyone would make their own collections he collects from the central repository.

In this idea, every user would get a small instance of the main website that he can tailor to his desire. (e.g. adding own product pages and menu items, user blog, user galley, portfolio/resume page). He would only pick out of the repository the stuff he wants to represent (maybe he wants to focus on game models, or architectural, or only sci-fi stuff, etc.).

So a combination of tools like those of CGtrader, artstation and pinterest "combined" would be a very powerful way to get this kind of tailored representations and user experiences.

Additionally the owner of such a tailored small store/instance can start to hunt the web for artist/work he likes, and motivate that artist to join CGtrader to get his work in the repository and eventually in his own store/instance. In this way what the artist is specifically doing with his personal store would make more difference, and he could maximize his personal influence/representation to collect more of the art type he wants to represent.

To recapitulate on the pinterest idea ask this question, imagine what pinterest would be without the ability to re pin from within the own collected repository?

Most professional sellers are here because they want presence on a well known and established name within the industry and enjoy the traffic it is able to generate, but the downside is you lose the personal representation.

I think we can have both when we have the tools to do it.

Posted about 9 years ago

About prices, maybe CGT could give you an option to ask you some questions about your model when you upload it on site and based of that offer suggestion price. Questions like, how long did you work on your model? Or what kind of model it is? And so on.

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