D3CRYPT3D 3D encryption software BETA

Discussion started by dosakim

Hi, my name is DK, and a crew of us made a program the Encrypts your 3D assets and shows where it was opened up at as well. Its still in beta form but its something as a modeler I have wanted for quite sometime. Working in the industry, I feel that modelers do get the short end of the stick. This is why we developed this system to protect modelers from people who feel that models should be free. It's called D3CRYPT3D. and you can register for a beta test. You can encrypt all your 3d files. Any feedback would be great. We just want to make an amazing product and finally get 3D artist the credit they deserve. Thanks.



Posted over 7 years ago

that is something we are striving for!

Posted over 7 years ago

After coming out with this, its unbelievable to me how 3d artist were waiting for something like this but a ton of 3d printing sites hate the idea of 3d encryption. As a 3d artist, it breaks my heart to know that hours or work is decimated to a copy and paste function. Its not the perfect solution yet, but atleast its something. People who steal 3d models and print them out for profit should at least know the creator of the object file and there has to be a way for customers to be held accounted for by having these assets. If you guys have any suggestions, please feel free to contact us !

Posted over 7 years ago

i had a quick look but it only works for obj files?? it has to work for every 3d file it make no sense
for 3d modellers if you want to sell your model

Posted over 7 years ago

ahh. that is true. Its the most basic out of all them currently . OBJ are the most proliferated 3d file type there is. Its a beginning for us but currently we are making the plugins to do this! I totally hear you mate!

Posted over 7 years ago

Wow! What a great software! Maybe CGT could integrate it into the site so that when someone uploads a digital file it get protected!

Posted over 7 years ago

Unfortunatelly i don't think that your project will be successful. I can't imagine that my cient willingly install some program on their computer and then log into some website just to be able to open a file. That's not gonna happen, they would simply skip me for other designer, who's not insist on going through mumbo-jumbo to be able to use files. Moreover it won't work as antitheft protection - once one decrypt file it's so damn easy to resave it into normal unencrypted format and spread it all over the place. I simply can't see how your idea can work in digital work.

BTW, i vaguely remember there was similar ideas few years earlier, but i don't see them realised.

Posted over 7 years ago

Oh no didn't take it that way @limonadinis. It was referring to me, not knowing how to post up on the forum. OBJ is our first format and we plan to integrate with the other file types. OBJ's are universal in that almost all 3d programs. From 3d printers to autodesk to zbrush.
As for marvimation question. Those are things we are looking at. 3d is funny in a way that you really do need the file and the coordinates and position play a big part in the identity of the obj. What else is the metrics for each user/author of the item. That is where we start making the key. The final stage which comes out early next year. JAN / FEB is going in that direction, with 3 levels of encryption. That's all I can say about that right now.
As the list of functions that obj has gone through. We are tracking it and working on author control points on what that customer / receiver can and can't do with the object.
Just talked with some hardcore 3d printers who hate this product already. But being a modeler, it takes real work to make these things. Movie industry and music industry will go to great lengths to protect artists. I think its about time we do the same. What we do is a craft.

Posted over 7 years ago

PS. we are opening up the beta for everyone. go to our site


And check it out. Visit the forum and tell us how to make it better!

Posted over 7 years ago

Yes OBJ is my favorite format too. I wish they found a way to store info like rigs and dynamics in OBJ but mostly it only keeps the geometry functions although I find it annoying that it combines all the pieces.

Posted over 7 years ago

Hm. thats true. but this way you know the person receiving the file in real time. and what they are doing to the file. Like I said its not perfect but it is a layer of transparency for client on the receiving end. Users who come across the file have to download the D3CRYPT3D program. This sends the author of the 3d piece a beacon that some one is accessing one of their files. We still have a long way to go, but its in line to make steps to cut down 3d asset theft and recognition for the work they produce.

3D artist is craft and should be treated as so. It takes a lot of dedication and practice to learn and it shouldn't be so easy to just to copy and paste hours of work. These people need to get recognized for the work. The new edition will allow people to put their own calling card on the placeholder. When the file does not open it will put up the authors contact info and how to get in touch with them, if they are not running d3crypt3d.

All I can say limonadinis is to try it out. Its free and you can use a throwaway account. So far people who have been trying it out like the ease of it. And its true its not perfect but hopefully we can minimize some loss of income to 3d artists. If music, movies, literature is protected, why isnt 3D? Its all that I am getting at. This version is free, so I would see what it can do. Any crits about the product are welcomed. Truly we are trying to empower the artists/creators of 3D. Not a magic bullet but its something. Hope this helps you out!

Posted over 7 years ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AY7GnnpnbnE&feature=youtu.be here is a small how to video that demonstrates the program!

Posted over 7 years ago

New Build of our software is up. Super happy at the response and the users of our program. Going to sxsw to debut the new features we are implementing currently.

Posted over 7 years ago

New updates are coming up! New feature will include calling card. Encrypted files will display the authors name / email and ways to get in contact to get the authenticate encryption code. Thanks for all the interest in our product!

Posted over 7 years ago

Featured on CgChannel today! By the end of this week we should have our new calling card feature developed! Making it so that anyone who opens your file, will know how to get in contact with you. Stay tuned!

Posted over 7 years ago

sound great !!

peter112 wrote
i hope this tool works better than your link-:)
Posted over 7 years ago

Oh no!! www.d3crypt3d.net/about . sorry! but yeah any feedback would be great!

Posted over 7 years ago

You should add in a function that allerts CGT if anyone tries to modify the geometry of the model. You know like a point or virtex checker that calculates the amount of points are in the model when the model is downloaded and then checks the file again after someone else has that file and opens it. If when they save the file later on the amount of virts are different than it was modded and CGT should get an email about it.
How about something like that? I mean it should be quite easy to code into the software right? Especially on maya files in the m.a. format script version. You should be able to find the values in the source file and then run the checker in your software right?

Posted over 7 years ago

Another good idea would be to put in a code that checks basic elements in the scene like position of model in 3D space, light position in the scene, size of model etc. Something that checks for texture placement and name of texture file. This would also be great for those people who steal models and then change the texture, re upload and sell it. Then CGT or the original creator of the model gets an email if the texture changed from Iron helmet to wooden helmet. Something like that could be useful for each artist and CGT to track what is happening to the models.

Posted over 7 years ago

One more thing, i see requirement to go online to decrypt file as a negative thing. No one can be sure that your service will be available 24/7 100% of the time. Also not all workstations are connected to the internet. Such restriction may be major obstacle for some users.

And as i said before unless it brings some benefit for end user and not only for creator, it's doomed to failure. Don't wan't to bash you, just trying to think realisticly.

Posted over 7 years ago

Proud to announce we just put in the calling card feature on our program!


Just made a how to video. We made it where anyone who has your model will actually have a calling card to get intouch with the author/owner of the 3d object. Only the author/owner has the encryption key. Super excited about this new feature. Currently working on the IOS version. There will be many new additions in 2017 but thanks everyone for the input on our product. Hopefully we can get some control back into the artists hands. Have a good one guys!

Posted over 7 years ago

and a dorky video I made explaining what we do.


Posted almost 3 years ago

Any development on this?

Posted over 7 years ago

@limonadinis . W

dosakim wrote
woke on the wrong side of the bed! Actually we are taking that all in account. We think we have a good solution to the problem. Its something thata has to be addressed. But as for clientel, we feel that customers will pay for good models, and we feel that good artist should have the tools to stick to their guns if they think the product is worth the price. We shouldn't feel pressure to go lower cause the market will go down the line. I used to work in the industry, and several torrents have tons of models from various friends. I've been to studios that have a treasure trove of models that just end up there to be reused. It might be an uphill battle but it is something that we feel that there is a void. Try the product out and tell us your thoughts! Trying to make something that finally will help out people and artist in the end!
LemonadeCG wrote
Sorry if my previous comment seemed too offensive to you, i shoud've put my words in more polite manner. It's not that i don't want that your project would succeed, i really do, but look, there's hundreds of mighty corporation that tries to protect digital content over a few decades now, they throw billions at it, but with very little to none success. It's way to easy to distribute digital content over internet without anyone's permision. Let's say i'd convince my buyers to go additional mile and install your software to unencrypt my files, despite the fact that that brings no benefit to them whatsoever. Yes, i will be able to see when my file will be decrypted and by whom (ah, what a nice feeling to know that someone is watching you... no :/), but after that i will lost control over the file and it will become unprotected again. So what's the point? Is it worth trouble and potentially lost income?* I think no. Not to mention the fact that OBJ format is pretty limited and most often models are delivered in proprietary formats to which you can't have access and most likely never will. * One can almost guarantee if there's two similar files in market, one conventional and other encrypted, which will requires additional actions and potentially might be corrupted or with wrong key or whatever, buyer will go the easyier route and will buy unencrypted file.

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