4 Sept 2015

Interview with Sci-fi challenge winners

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There are endless things that our brilliant minds can think of and we really love thinking about the future, don't we? Well, this is the time to look at some of the works of people who know how to visualize their imagination in third-dimensional world. We had a nice chat with the recently finished Sci-fi challenge winners. Psst, don't forget that you can also showcase your imagination participating in the ongoing CG Aliens in Space Challenge. This is the perfect way to get your inspiration up!

Interview with Sci-fi challenge winners 1

Interview with Sci-fi challenge winners 2

Best model Spaceship byIterateCGI

CGTrader: How did you get started in 3D modeling?

Dennis: I started programming video games as a hobby 2 years ago. After half a year there was a time that I needed some models for my game and I thought maybe I can do them by myself. I've never done this before so I just started playing around with some tools. I spent lots of time learning from video tutorials and reading in forums about different techniques. Now I have been doing this for a year and a half. Sadly it's just a hobby where I can spend 5-10 hours a week but I like it and have lots of fun with it. At this time I have some skills in box modeling, sculpting, texturing, rigging, weighting, retopo and animation.

Yavuz: I started learning 3D design in 2005, my first book was "3ds Max 2.5 introduction guide". In the past 10 years, I have finished more than 2000 designs. My first professional designs were Transformer models, I did 19 of them.

Marco: I casually started, about ten years ago. A friend told me to try a software called 3ds Max 2.5. For several years I almost ignored it. I though it was a software used for having fun. Just for creating some sphere or a cube, putting some lights and pushing render button. But time by time, I understood that "it was a feeling between us". I don't remember when, but I fell in love with it. Today I work with 3ds Max almost full time.

Martin: I started learning modeling and during the first 6 months I spent 5-6 hours every day, training modeling and reading Learning 3ds max book 7.

Interview with Sci-fi challenge winners 3

Interview with Sci-fi challenge winners 4

1st Runner-up Wolfobot by Martin Cvetkov

CGTrader: Where are you searching for the daily inspiration?

Dennis: Most of the time I look at some forums. ZBrush, CGSociety and 3DRing. There are lots of great art.

Yavuz: I always look at the impossible designs, of course rare ones also, because if everyone was doing same model or same design you have to be different, maybe with your technique or design.

Marco: The general idea was to build a very aggressive robot. When I started modeling the idea wasn't clear. But I got my inspiration from internet (naturally), art, movies and environment around me. It helped me observe the mechanical part and study their behavior.

Martin: My inspiration comes from everything around us. I mean the nature around us, people, animals... When working in 3D, I do not work - I have fun! When you do something on 3ds Max, I believe it to be complete when I look at the project and do not believe I actually did it!

Interview with Sci-fi challenge winners 5

Interview with Sci-fi challenge winners 6

2nd Runner-up Venator Mechanical Battle Robot by Marco Castiglione

CGTrader: Why have you decided to try yourself in this challenge and how have you came with the ideas for the models for this contest?

Dennis: First of all - I really like Sci-fi. Secondly, I wanted to win the Substance Indie Pack. As I've mentioned before, I do this as a hobby and all the software that you need is very expensive, so it was a great chance to get a great tool. I was inspired from the Beast master in Star Wars, I just did it with a different kind of aliens. The trooper was just some picture that I had in mind and the cowboy came with the robohorse I did before.

Yavuz: Well, I already entered this challenge on March 2014 and I won 1st place - same as this year! I always push myself to work hard, you have to be passionate, practice everyday, work hard, enter these challenges. That's my motto.

Marco: The idea came from my girlfriend. She told me to open myself to CGI market and the CGI world in general. After she told this, I decided to accept this challenge to explore my capacities. The general idea was in my mind for a long time. That's because I loved robots since I was a child. I like the concept behind the shape and I like to build robots. I don't know why.

Martin: I decided to try myself in this challenge,because I wanted to see what the other people think about my work.

Interview with Sci-fi challenge winners 7

Interview with Sci-fi challenge winners 8

Best Portfolio by Dennis Jacobsen

CGTrader: What are the main challenges you are facing in modeling?

Dennis: My personal challenge is time and the big range of what you have to learn to be good in what you do.

Yavuz: First of all there are technical problems - if you're a good designer you have to use very good system. My first line is hardware stuff, second one is using a one 3D software for all process of 3D modeling, you have to use multiple software because of that.

Marco: I have no doubts - the hard surface modeling and the mechanical rigging is really hard for me. My desire is to obtain a complex geometry with low number of polygons, and this is very complex for me.

Martin: The biggest challenge for me is modeling live objects such as people, animals, birds.

Interview with Sci-fi challenge winners 9

Interview with Sci-fi challenge winners 10

1st Runner-up Portfolio by Yavuz Selim Balcioglu

CGTrader: Any advice for those who are just about to start their career as a 3D designer?

Dennis: I can only give an advice to the hobbyists out there. Just have fun, you can master anything if it makes you happy. As long you have fun it will never be hard to learn.

Yavuz: My advice as from university teacher - they must decide what they'll do, after that they need a very good instructor in that area, more practice, everyday learning of new things and of course entering challenges, I'm always telling my students, "become visible" "be different"!

Marco: Self-denial! Never copy other artists, but make experimentations when it's possible. Start with the small things and grow without a hurry. Creating your own personal style is more important for me than building a lot of 3D models. Listen classical music, eat healthy food, hang out with friends. Those are my personal advices as well as my daily ingredients.

Martin: My advice to those who are just starting is to never give up. I've had moments when something is received in 3ds Max, but my stubbornness always puts me towards good results. Therefore, read books and take lessons!

Interview with Sci-fi challenge winners 11

Interview with Sci-fi challenge winners 12

2nd Runner-up Portfolio by3dmaster

