Here's a great package deal for converting your Dominator Knight from the shooty type to the burny/harpoony type.
Included in the discounted bundle are the Dominator Flamer Cannon...
And the Dominator Harpoon Of Doom...
Along with a bevy of missile and autocannon turrets from previous Suturus Pattern releases.
Free upper arms to magnetize at a variety of angles.
A Torso Riser.
Knee Extenders and extra armor panels.
Some fitting will be required, so you'll have to be upon your hobby game, especially if you plan to magnetize.
Speaking of magnets, I would recommend an assortment of 2mm or 3mm thick magnets, with 10mm and 12mm diameter magnets among them. These will work in the upper arms and barrel-to-main weapon body attachment points.
Best, JBR
3D PRINTING SETTINGS No supported versions, since every machine and material combination is different.
I usually just put my ego aside, and Autosupport in Chitubox at 50 to 70%, depending on the part, and add supports as necessary at flagrant islands and unsupported flat spots.
I would orient all cylinders, including barrels, vertically, 90 degrees to the print bed.