Bath Bomb Mold - Digital File Moon and Star Cloud - Hybrid Style

Bath Bomb Mold - Digital File Moon and Star Cloud - Hybrid Style 3D print model


A bath bomb mold made by a bath bomb maker. Great edges and sides with easy release. Perfect size for embed bars and depth. This can be scaled (photos show printed at 100%) please keep in mind if you make it smaller the detail of rainbow will be shallow and harder to see. This is intended for those making bath bombs, please sell lots of made bath bombs with this product. This is not intended for commercial reselling or printing and selling of the mold.

3D PRINTING SETTINGS 15% infill is fine. Please be aware as you scale this design smaller than the bath bomb mix may get stuck in details. Please test. Please note these are medium size! Sometimes photos seem quite large. (Please see included photo of hand size for general reference)

Mould - 55mm tall x 112mm at widest side measurement x 25mm deep

Finished Bomb - 46mm tall x 105mm widest side measurement x 22mm deep

The weight of your bath bomb will vary depending on your recipe. With mine, this made about a 90g bath bomb.

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Bath Bomb Mold - Digital File Moon and Star Cloud - Hybrid Style
Custom License 
Bath Bomb Mold - Digital File Moon and Star Cloud - Hybrid Style
Custom License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)442 KB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-05-18
  • Model ID#4509504
  • Ready for 3D Printing