Pinocchio Articulated

Pinocchio Articulated 3D print model


Pinocchio Articulated is a revision of the Pinocchio statues I've designed. This version has been designed with printable parts, allowing one to create an articulated marionette. The model includes the head, neck pivot, torso, shoulder and pivots, thigh and pivots, forearms with hands, and the hinged feet. The default scale puts the figure at 115mm. Scale it up as you wish. Pose, stand, or puppeteer, depending on joint tightness and if you decide to add strings and controls. This version allows you to choose his pose whenever you like. Designed to be printed in a variety of material types, colors, and sizes. Scale can impact joint flexibility and connectivity.

Update December 2024:All STL parts separated into individual files. Uploaded as ZIP as well.

Update:A version of the head, without the hat has been added, as well as a standalone hat.

Print for a full figure

1 head and 1 hat or 1 head with hat1 head Pivot1 torso2 foot1 left shoulder / forearm1 right shoulder / forearm2 shoulder pivots1 left thigh / calf1 right thigh / calf2 thigh pivots

davidveg2021-04-02 14:01:01 UTC
Perfect model, but the head without hat has problems slicing in Cura. Could you fix that ? Thx !
Item rating
3 1
gzimmerman02021-04-12 20:04:13 UTC
Not Recommended
I haven't been able to print it. Perhaps my mistake. No supports were recommended, but must be used? I'll keep trying and perhaps change rating later.
little-12021-03-29 19:20:18 UTC
This is just brilliant . It snaps together easily. All the parts are what you would want. I made mine 18 inches. I stripped the clothes which was easy because the builder made it modular. I made clothes for it . The only thing you must be careful if you strip the clothes you don't remove the neck enclosure accidentally. 300 people on my Creality group freaked out. You night have a few sales.
hurd2021-02-28 19:22:25 UTC
going to try this at 200 percent
picouet2021-02-03 11:23:25 UTC
Pinocchio Articulated
Custom License 
Pinocchio Articulated
Custom License 
Response 91% in 19.0h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (9 files)116 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (17 files)486 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-04-30
  • Model ID#2396258
  • Ready for 3D Printing