Bird On the Nest

Bird On the Nest 3D print model


Bird On the Nest This decorative wall art created to make your room nice and cosy. Awesome Living Room Wall Decoration Ideas. the wall décor is an important part when you want to renew the look of your living room. This model suitable for 3d printing or CNC carving machine/ This model has no textures

Look at the bird Up in the treetop, Building its nest With no time to stop. Hatching its eggs So smooth and so round, Then feeding its babies Worms from the ground. Look at the bird With beak for a mouth. When it gets cold, The bird will fly south. When it gets warm, The bird will return. Let's watch how the birds live, And see what we learn.

We are baby birdies living in a nest. We dreeam of flying when we take our rest. Finally one spring day we hop, hop, hop. And flutter our wings flop, flop, flop. They lift us up and then we fly. We fly around the sky. Flying very hiigh and flying very low. Then in a big circle--round we go. Finally we soar home and go to sleep. We close our eyes without a peep.

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Bird On the Nest
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Bird On the Nest
Royalty Free License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx)51.7 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-11-04
  • Model ID#3360165
  • Ready for 3D Printing