Originaly created with Maya 2025.
.....:: UTILIZATION ::.....
Model is suitable for high-res closeUps for Feature Films - TV Ads - Design visualisations etc.
.....:: SPECIFICATIONS ::.....
Models are separate objects / meshes .
Build in real-world scale ( 4 cm. diameter )
Models are intended to be subdivided for closeUps but can be used as base mesh on mid to high distance from camera.
Poly count:
12032 polys - SubD - 0 ( Base mesh ) Single chip ( 75160 polys - SubD - 0 for All 5 chips )
59888 polys - SubD - 1 Single chip
239552 polys - SubD - 2 Single ball ( 1197760 polys - SubD - 2 for All 5 chips )
.....:: PRESENTATION ::.....
All images are rendered with Maya / Arnold renderer + arnold lights. Preview maya scene included with the package.
.....:: NOTES ::.....
Other file formats supplied in Sub-D level - 0 : .FBX .OBJ .ABC .blend
May require material reassign for some formats ( like .obj )