Do you think Blender's shader system is too complicated? Do you think when I want create realistic materials, it is too hard in Blender and this takes me a lot of time? Do you think when I create complicate material, node setup looks like spider web and confusing? Do you think why Blender has not easy setup interface like other render engines, example Vray, Arnold, Corona etc? If you think like these, then VSHADE is exactly what you are looking for.
VSHADE is a node group collection developed for Blender. The most important feature of this collection is that it is, an easy to setup, all-in-one material system, that is not in the Blender. In the same time, it can do this as high quality as possible and physically corrected, and also compatible for PBR material setup (it supports METALLIC and SPECULAR workflows). It has a lot of material nodes for this. With this node groups can be setup a material of desired level. If you want you can use Uber node system that all-in-one, or other node groups for specific needs (solid, refraction, glass, glossy, SSS etc.) and you can create desired materials easily and realistic.
VSHADE is especially developed by reference to V-Ray system. As you can easily see, many of the VSHADE's settings are very similar to the V-Ray settings. That's why the V-Ray users can easily adapt to the VSHADE system.
You can also look VMATS Material Library for Blender Cycles and Eevee
VSHADE 1.8.2 released...
Vshade works under Blender 2.83, 2.90, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and newer versions. Vshade will update for new Blender versions.
For detailed informations of all nodes, please download and read documentation pdf.
Why should I buy it?
For professionals, time is money. Creating a realistic material generally too hard and time consuming. An average scene has many objects, and each object has at least one material. When we start create materials for all of this objects, this takes much much more time. When you have to repeat this action for every scene, every time you need to waste your time. And time is money.
For amateurs, I think there are master artists who are great at creating materials! I can not understand how they do it. But I want to create great materials and great scenes too. How can I do? Blender's shader system can be too complicated when I want create realistic materials. I want create realistic materials easily and I don't want my shader setup turns like spider web.
How many nodes do I get purchased?
Vshade contains 376 nodes.
Can I use this on my commercial projects?
Absolutely! You're free to do this as long as you don't sell and/or redistribute the nodes in the raw format and claim exclusive ownership.
Why the cheap price for such high quality?
We believe in empowering the Blender community of artists and this is our way of making it accessible to everyone - students and professionals alike.
How do I install this product?
You can find this information at the Installation Guide.
Can I need to install add-ons?
No, but we strongly recommend you, because this will make it very easy to use. But if you don't want install add-ons, then you can easily link or append nodes to in your scene.
Have bug report inside?
Yes, have bug report to e-mail.