Low Poly model of T-34/76 medium tank.
Model contains real details and proportions. 2048x2048 textures included: -Color maps -psd (AO, decals on separated layers, specular on Alpha channel) 2k,1k (wheels) -Normal maps 2k,1k -Emission map for lights . Texture designed for scaling - great for mobile games.
This production model was built from May 1942 to 1944, with a cast or pressed hexagonal turret. It was nicknamedMickey Mouseby the Germans because of its appearance with the twin round turret roof hatches open. Official Soviet military designation was Model 1942. Turrets manufactured in different factories had minor variations, sometimes calledhard-edge,soft-edge, andlaminateturrets, but in military service these details did not warrant different designations. Earlier production is sometimes called Model 1942/43, and was designated T-34/76D by German intelligence. Later production variants had a new commander's cupola. This variant was referred to as T-34/76E by the Germans. Turrets produced at Uralmash in Sverdlovsk (Yekaterinburg) had a distinctive rounded appearance because they were made in a special forge. Tanks produced with these turrets there and at Chelyabinsk were called T-34/76F by the Germans.