Gray Alien
*Sub surface scattering skin shading resuts may vary when use outside of Blender Cycles. *Mouth is sculpted, it doesn't Open.
|Model|Character created in Blender 3.6.0 Single mesh with sculpted detail. Low frequency detail stored in a Multiresolution Modifier. High frequency details applied Material Displacement. Mostly done with Quad Polygons.
|Texture|Body is Unwrapped in a single UV set. Textures are 8k JPGs. Includes: Diffuse Map, Roughness Map, Normal Map and Displacement Map.
|Render|Materials created for best results in Cycles Render by the use of Sub Surface Scattering. Contains lights and render setup settings.
|Rig|Rigged with Rigify Human (Meta-rig) setup.
|Formats|BLEND Main file with lights and materias. This file is the one that repdroduces the advertised look.OBJ files of static model in Base Low Poly Mesh and Subdivided Sculpted MeshFBX Has Retopologized Geometry for Realtime use. Standard bones rig compatible with Unreal Engine and Mixamo animations retarget.