Detailed low poly character Engineer from Prometheus
Engineer description
Engineers are humanoid, hairless with very pale skin, through which many blood vessels are visible. Their eyes are said to be dead seeming, with pupils shaped like oblong crosses. Engineers breathe oxygen. However they are seemingly able to withstand higher carbon dioxide concentrations than humans--they are able to breathe unassisted and unprotected on the surface of LV-223′s which has carbon dioxide concentrations that would be lethal to humans. Engineers possess great physical strength, as demonstrated when one kills one of Peter Weyland's escorts by sending him flying across the room with a single punch. Little is known about the Engineers' history, but the Engineers are shown to be the creators of the human race, visiting Earth during its primordial stage
Render made using 3D max Vray (background is not included)
Rigging: Yes
Rigged & Skinned Space Jockey in 3Ds max 2024
Number of textures including PBR textures: 14
Model has 4k textures with PBR maps (BaseColor, Normal, Displace, AO, Roughness, Metallnes)
Quantity Polys: 25 225
Quantity Verts: 25 303
The model includes formats(Max, Fbx, Obj, 3Ds, Blend )