This is a concept 3D model of a cartoon girl character (Rigged)
Originally created with Blender 2.8. The model is suitable for use in broadcast, learning purpose, advertising, etc.
This product includes Blender 2.8 version, Obj, Fbx files and a texture folder. Hair was modelled with polygon, you can easily change hair color in the node editor. All node are clearly named, for easy access.
All preview images rendered with cycles and eevee.
....::: TEXTURES :::....
Total number of textures are 35. Textures are all PBR, resolutions are in 4k (4096x4096) and few in 2k. All textures comes in PNG format. Total size of all textures is 106MB.
Body and clothing rigged and skinned with Auto rig pro.
The model can be animated with the rig, which also has facial rig. You can also import data obtained through Motion Capture.
....::: POLYCOUNTS :::....
Total polycount of the character with subdivision turned off are: 20,719 faces, 20,878 vertices. Polycount for all mesh including hair and eye brows 91.901 verts and 84,883 faces. Most objects require 1 subdivision level for obtaining good results for close-up render. Files come with subdivision turned off, model is ready for good quality rendering. Open and render.