Tasmanian devil 3D model.
Include scene demo 46 Animations in Root Motion Added extra folder with In-place animations 4 Textures (4096x4096) and (2048x2048) 3 Materials 1 Prefab
Low poly model
2462 quad polygons on this mesh 2538 vertices on this mesh Polygonal Quads only Geometry
Textures T_Devil_D T_Devil_N T_DevilFur_D T_DevilFur_N
Animations List attack (910-976) attackleft (979-1050) attackright (1053-1124) backward (329-349) dieleft (2022-2052) dieright (2055-2085) drink (2203-2213) eat (2190-2200) growl (163-253) hit (1968-2019) idle(0-160) idletoseat (1337-1361) idletostand (398-418) jump (2088-2132) jumpinplace (2135-2187) lie (1555-1715) lietoseat (1815-1840) lietosleep (1718-1742) lookleft (613-733) lookright (736-856) run (1229-1243) runleft (1246-1260) runright (1263-1277) seat (1364-1524) seattoidle (1843-1867) seattolie (1527-1552) sleep (1745-1765) sleeptoidle (1768-1812) stand (421-581) standthreat (1917-1965) standtoattack (1870-1914) standtoidle (584-610) swim (2216-2248) swimleft (2251-2283) swimright (2286-2318) threat (859-907) threatback (1127-1175) threatwalk (1178-1226) trot (1280-1296) trotleft (1299-1315) trotright (1318-1334) turnleft (256-278) turnright (281-303) walk (306-326) walkleft (352-372) walkright (375-395)