This 3d model was made in blender 2.69 and rendered by Cycles.The light rig/HDRI is not included with the file.
Horse is completly rigged and animated. Inside blender file you will find animations (walk2, trot, galop) and all poses presented on renders here (test_poses).
Also inside is mesh of textured jaws (teeth, tongue etc.), eyes was made with cornea and another anatomical parts to make it maximal realistic.
Colours (all 2048x2048):
Colours of eyes:
You can export this 3D model in any format from Blender (main menu: File -> Export). Also you have to know that mesh in OBJ and 3DS format does not contain rig and hairs. Keep in mind it please.
You can see animations in little movies presented in previews category on this page.
DISCOUNT AVAILABLE!You can buy this 3D model with discount. To do this just click on my nickname and look for collection containing this model. If you will not find the model, it means that I did not upload it yet, and will do it a bit later, be patient please. Also you can buy my other 3D models with discount by this way.
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