High detail and realistic model, V-Ray 3.6Clean UvModel has clean topology,IIeration of smoothing.rigged
Scene with other dinosaurs not includedmodel has:8192x8192 textures (diffuse,bump,specRough,)8192x8192 .exr displace textures
Polycount (quads):mesh: 8217vertex: 8264
subdivable polygons in Zbrush file.There is no 'riggedFBX' file in this file.
Unit of measurement used for the model: cm
Rig description:
Tylosaurus_Rig_MAINCtrl - control whole modelTylosaurus_Rig_ROOTCtrl - control jump action model
Tylosaurus_Rig_l_Eye_01Ctrl - control rotation,move of left eyeTylosaurus_Rig_Eye_LookAtCtrl - control rotation,move of look at the eye
Tylosaurus_Rig_Head_MasterCtrl - control rotation,move of head
Tylosaurus_Rig_nose_MasterCtrl - control rotation,move of noseTylosaurus_Rig_l_headjaw_MasterCtrl- control rotation,move of jawTylosaurus_Rig_l_headTop_MasterCtrl - control rotation,move of head top
Tylosaurus_Rig_Head_JawCtrl - control rotation,move of head jawTylosaurus_Rig_l_headjaw_01_01Ctrl - control rotation,move of head jawTylosaurus_Rig_l_headjaw_01_02Ctrl - control rotation,move of head jawTylosaurus_Rig_l_headjaw_01_03Ctrl - control rotation,move of head jawTylosaurus_Rig_l_headjaw_01_04Ctrl - control rotation,move of head jawTylosaurus_Rig_l_headjaw_01_05Ctrl - control rotation,move of head jaw
Tylosaurus_Rig_tongue_01_01Ctrl - control rotation,move of tongueTylosaurus_Rig_tongue_01_02Ctrl - control rotation,move of tongueTylosaurus_Rig_tongue_01_03Ctrl - control rotation,move of tongue
Tylosaurus_Rig_Neck_01FKCtrl - control rotation,move of neckTylosaurus_Rig_Neck_02FKCtrl - control rotation,move of neckTylosaurus_Rig_Neck_TopIKCtrl - control rotation,move of neckTylosaurus_Rig_Neck_MidIKCtrl - control rotation,move of neck
Tylosaurus_Rig_l_rib_01_01Ctrl - control rotation,move of ribTylosaurus_Rig_l_rib_01_02Ctrl - control rotation,move of ribTylosaurus_Rig_l_rib_01_03Ctrl - control rotation,move of rib
Tylosaurus_Rig_l_torso_01_01Ctrl - control rotation,move of torsoTylosaurus_Rig_l_torso_01_02Ctrl - control rotation,move of torsoTylosaurus_Rig_l_torso_01_03Ctrl - control rotation,move of torso
Tylosaurus_Rig_l_ear_MasterCtrl - control rotation,move of ear
Tylosaurus_Rig_l_ear_01_01Ctrl ~ Rig_l_ear_03_04Ctrl - control rotation,move of ear
Tylosaurus_Rig_tail_01_01Ctrl ~ Rig_tail_01_08Ctrl - control rotation,move of tail
Tylosaurus_Rig_Spine_01FKCtrl ~ Rig_Spine_04FKCtrl - control rotation,move of waist
Tylosaurus_Rig_l_FrontLeg_KneeIKCtrl - control rotation,move of fore leg kneeTylosaurus_Rig_l_FrontLeg_FootIKCtrl - control rotation,move of fore leg footTylosaurus_Rig_l_FrontLeg_HipFKCtrl - control rotation,move of fore hip Tylosaurus_Rig_l_FrontLeg_SwitchCtrl - control rotation,move of fore leg switchTylosaurus_Rig_l_FrontLeg_ToeIKCtrl - control rotation,move of fore leg toeTylosaurus_Rig_l_FrontLeg_HeelIKCtrl - control rotation,move of fore leg heel
Tylosaurus_Rig_l_HindLeg_KneeIKCtrl - control rotation,move of hind leg kneeTylosaurus_Rig_l_HindLeg_HipFKCtrl - control rotation,move of hind leg hipTylosaurus_Rig_l_HindLeg_FootIKCtrl - control rotation,move of hind leg footTylosaurus_Rig_l_HindLeg_ToeIKCtrl - control rotation,move of hind leg toeTylosaurus_Rig_l_HindLeg_SwitchCtrl - control rotation,move of hind leg