Years ago I designed an NOTAR aircraft, but this is a completely new revamp with many additional features and in a much cleaner hierarchy. This model is almost entirely built in quads, designed natively in C4D. As such it is rigged for C4D so you can enjoy a ready to animate model in your favorite scene with minimal effort. The livery is a simple patriotic scheme, and many more to come.
Some features on the model are easy navigation tools so you can instantly drop the model to low resolution at the flip of a switch. Rivets are objects on the aircraft for the best results at a subdivision level of 1 or better. Flight controls are animatable and have several easy features to allow a pilot model to follow the controls as desired. The rotor has a blade droop feature, and as such you can flatten the blade out during a startup of the motor. Rotor speed is controlled to allow a clean easy startup at the click of a couple of key frames. Each door is animateable seperately. And of course there are nav lights, beacons, landing lights, cockpit lights, and instrument light controls. Lastly is the aircraft has functional window wipers, which along with the sensor turret can be removed from the scene if desired.
For all other programs there are 2 models you can choose from, low and high res. Low res is the default quad model with textures and the high res is a bake of 2X subdivision for static scenes.
This optimizable aircraft will give a fun and easy path to a great animation or to just drop and add to any current scene.
Note: This model is only rigged in Cinema 4D
Note: All renders performed using Cinema 4D and may not represent other programs.
Happy modeling, if you like this model check out others by Rohr 3D Solutions.