12 Feb 2013

Valentine's Day: Make Love, But Also Money

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Celebrations no matter big or small ones always bring profit for those who know how to use them in a proper way. 3D design marketplace is not an exception. Here few tips on how to make the most of it.

The very first advice for designers is to be aware of even the smallest upcoming events and celebrations of the year. There is a long list of them: New Year, President’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Solstice, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Independence Day, Autumnal and Vernal equinoxes, Halloween, Thanksgiving and many others. Morever, anniversaries, social movements, potical breakthroughs or common public atmosphere can inspire to create a new 3D model and to give what customers are searching for.

It is no surprise that Christmas trees are best sold in December. Everyone loves a scarf or a blanket decorated with Northern reindeers – and there is absolutely no point in buying these things in the middle of the summer. The presents and sales make Christmas season highly valuable for all kind of businesses and initiatives. Valentine’s Day is one of the most commercial holidays of the year as well. Merchants love it. Marketers love it. 3D designers have to fall in love with

February all dyes in red. Heart-shaped objects, chocolate, flowers, plush toys, figurines of cupids, balloons, greeting cards, jewelry, sexy underwear, entertainment for two: everything goes. This is why designers should be ready for the Valentine’s Day in advance – and get their models up to the marketplace.

There is a question. Should you work on a 3D model of chocolate or choose a heart-shaped box of candies? Thankfully, you do not have to do the whole investigation on your own. There is google.com in the modern world. Majority of 3D model buyers are searching for them via Google – and you can peek into the trends using a magic tool called GoogleTrends.

For example, a quick look at GoogleTrends shows that the end of January and first part of February mark an increase in the search of such keywords as “love in 3D”, “a heart”, “sweet”, "cupid”, “romantic”, "chocolate". A red line marks a week before Valentine's Day when mentioned keywords spike.

Valentine's Day: Make Love, But Also Money 1

In February a keyword “broken heart” in a search appears quite rare, comparing with other months. It is magic that February happens to be a month when dozens of people decide to try to believe in love again.

CGTrader demonstrates similar trends as well. For instance, we already have a few models that are going after Valentine’s Day opportunity.

Valentine's Day: Make Love, But Also Money 2

This 3D model heart icon is quite simple, but endearing. Proper illumination makes heart to become soft and pulsing.

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A bonbon of chocolate makes you want sweets against your will. This model is neither shocking nor very original, but have something special.

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Modern Pendant Lamp - possesses an unusual perspective to the tired shape of heart. It is still a heart, but in a place of the lamp: pure, vibrant and interesting.

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It is difficult to imagine Valentine's Day without heart-shaped boxes of chocolate. Of course, this object is quite old-fashioned, but a professional manner makes it attractive to a customer.

More advanced gifts are also available for those with a sophisticated taste. For example, if you have a particular sense of humor, Japanese industry has offered a chocolate figurine with 3D print of a person’s face on it to buy. It is possible to purchase a printed 3D model wedding ring.

All in all, it can be Christmas, Easter or Valentine's Day but the adaptation of 3D models to the demands of public alone does not guarantee your luck. Only professional technique, creativity, topology, aesthetics, proper descriptions and accessible images matched with the occasional needs of customer could provide rise of selling and recognition among others.

By any means, we wish you a day full of love and creativity!

