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  • Meet our team at FMX2018 in Stuttgart
11 Apr 2018

Meet our team at FMX2018 in Stuttgart

Featured post

On April 24-27, CGTrader will be participating in the largest gathering of professionals from CG and VFX industries in Germany at the FMX 2018. The massive event will take place in Stuttgart and will feature artists, animators, game, VR, AR, technology and business developers from around the world.

For four days, visitors will have their pick of workshops, screenings, discussions, masterclasses, immersive media, and much more. If you’re going to the event, be sure to come by CGTrader’s booth 2.6 in the Marketplace and meet our team.

If you want to discuss a deal, offer a partnership or have a more in-depth conversation, you can book a meeting with a representative from our team in advance by sending us an email at sales@cgtrader.com

In case you haven’t planned on going to the FMX, but still want to meet us and talk business, drop us a line at ginvile@cgtrader.com, and we’ll do our best to make it possible.

Meet our team at FMX2018 in Stuttgart 1

You can find out more about the event, its schedule and participants on the official FMX 2018 website. The event will be held at Haus der Wirtschaft, Willi-Bleicher-Straße 19, Stuttgart, Germany.

See you there!

