WW2 Chinese Machine Gun and Mortar Support Teams 28mm Multipart

WW2 Chinese Machine Gun and Mortar Support Teams 28mm Multipart 3D print model


This pack contains enough customisable pieces for you to build your own Machine Gun and Mortar support teams to use in Chinese armies from the Second World War.

This pack has a large selection of customisable options which you can use to represent several of the famous Chinese units of the Second World War such as the German trained battalions and the Eighth Route Army.

Depending on your customisable choice these figures may also be used for other conflicts waged around the time of Second World War such as both the Warlord and the Civil War era.

All STL files contain a variant with resin printer supports.

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WW2 Chinese Machine Gun and Mortar Support Teams 28mm Multipart
Custom License 
WW2 Chinese Machine Gun and Mortar Support Teams 28mm Multipart
Custom License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)700 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-01-14
  • Model ID#3511156
  • Ready for 3D Printing