crab pendant - Cancer

crab pendant - Cancer 3D print model


What Is the Cancer zodiac? If you were born between June 21 and July 22 (like me!), then your zodiac sign is Cancer, which is represented by the Crab and associated with things like the moon, water, and emotions. Some of the most well-known Cancer traits are kindness, emotional intelligence, and, yes, crabbiness.

Read on to learn all about the Cancer sign, including key Cancer traits, how Crabs behave in different kinds of relationships, what advice to know if you are a Cancer, and how to successfully connect with a Cancer.

Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac and is represented by the Crab. They're primarily known for being emotional, nurturing, and highly intuitive, as well as sensitive and at times insecure. Their elemental sign is water (as it is for Pisces and Scorpio), which makes sense when you consider the emotional depths associated with this sign.

Cancers wear their hearts on their sleeves, but they have a range of emotions going on inside, which can at times make them seem overly sentimental or moody; this is due to their connection with the moon phases and is why Cancers are said to be crabby.

Just like real crabs, Cancers are known to retreat into their shells and are most comfortable when they're at home surrounded by loved ones. They're generally on the more introverted side, preferring deep, intimate connections with just a few people over socializing in large groups, which can easily overwhelm the Crab.

Cancers dislike small talk and can be difficult to approach at first, but once you get to know them, they'll be a loyal friend for life.

7 Cancer Personality Traits: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly There are many good and bad Cancer traits. On the good side, the Cancer personality is loyal, protective, intuitive, and caring. On the bad side, Cancers are overly sensitive, moody, and vindictive. We look at each of these Cancer traits in detail below.

Positive Cancer Traits We know that Cancers are highly emotional, introverted people who care deeply about their close friends and families. But there's more to the Cancer personality than just this.

Here, we introduce four of the best Cancer traits and explain what they mean for Crabs.

#1: Loyal Arguably one of the most noteworthy Cancer traits is their die-hard loyalty.

As mentioned, Cancers can be difficult to connect with at first, but once they've opened up, they'll be committed to you for life. Nevertheless, it takes a long time to fully gain a Cancer's trust, so don't expect unending loyalty right off the bat.

Cancers will do whatever it takes to help the ones they love, even turn their backs on their own beliefs or sense of judgment. Their strong ability to empathize with others is partly what makes the Cancer sign one of the most devoted in the zodiac.

#2: Protective In addition to being loyal, Cancers are extraordinarily protective of loved ones, sometimes even to a fault. They deeply cherish family and close friends and will often go out of their way to protect their loved ones, no matter the cost.

Because the Cancer sign is strongly tied to the image of home, Crabs will go to extreme lengths to protect their homes and those in them. It's similar to a parental instinct (which Crabs also have): the home is where Cancers feel most at peace, so it's crucial that they try to protect it as best they can—not just for their loved ones but for themselves, too.

While this protective nature can be overbearing at times, it comes from a generous place and a truly devoted heart.

#3: Intuitive Intuition is another key Cancer characteristic. Crabs tend to rely more on their intuition than on their practical or rational sense of judgment; this is due to their intense emotional state and ability to easily detect emotional changes in others.

It wouldn't be a reach to say that Cancers are essentially psychic, able to read people using their superior emotional intelligence. In fact, this is the skill Cancers use to avoid being deceived by others and to give them a better sense of security. They can make decisions both quickly and effectively based purely on their intuition, a strength that's unique to Cancers.

Moreover, this intuition makes the Cancer sign dislike fake or forced things, such as small talk and white lies. So if you're going to lie to a Cancer, you'd better not—they'll see right through you!

#4: Caring Cancers are known for their kind and caring nature and are incredibly nurturing, an extension of their inherently emotional personality. Indeed, we can see evidence of this quality in Cancer's loyalty and protectiveness.

When it comes to romantic love, Crabs are especially generous to their partners, though they expect the same care and attentiveness in return (and will be unhappy if they don't get it).

Negative Cancer Traits All zodiac signs have some negative traits, and the Cancer sign is no exception. Here, we introduce the three worst Cancer characteristics, from being moody and overly sensitive to vindictive.

#1: Overly Sensitive One of the hardest Cancer traits to deal with is the Crab's tendency to be overly sensitive when it comes to criticism or any (even slightly) emotional situation. If you say something mean to a Cancer, you can rest assured they won't forget it and will likely be dwelling on it for the rest of the day.

Indeed, Crabs are notoriously prone to brooding deep within the safety of their shells, often leading them to indulge in a grand display of self-pity. Sometimes this sensitivity can hurt their self-esteem and even make them a little paranoid if they continue to sense something is off.

#2: Moody Cancers are known for being moody due to the complexity of their emotions, which can quickly jump from extremely happy to extremely sad. When a Cancer is upset or uncomfortable, they'll immediately seek refuge in their shells.

The connection between the Cancer sign with the moon (the sign's ruling planet) is the cause for the Crab's abrupt emotional changes, which wax and wane as do the phases of the moon. Deep down, Cancers expect the same caring and giving nature from others. And if they don't get that, prepare yourself for an intense emotional outburst or mood swing!

#3: Vindictive If you ever cross a Crab, don't be surprised if they get a bit petty or vindictive. Cancers like to get their way and usually try to do so through kindness and selflessness. But if that doesn't work, they're ready to get back at whatever or whoever is causing them to suffer.

Be wary of angry Crabs, as their emotions can make them insecure and even manipulative at times.

Cancer Characteristics in Love, Friendship, and Business Cancers are kind, caring folks who have strong relationships with those they love. Here is an overview of the most notable Cancer traits in love, family and friendship, and business.

Cancer in Love Cancers are extremely committed when it comes to romantic relationships due to their qualities of loyalty and devotion.

They're also very romantic and generous partners; however, they expect the same kind of selfless treatment in return, so it's important for Cancers to enter into a relationship with somebody who equally values this give-and-take lifestyle.

As you know, Cancers are highly emotional, which means they also listen to their instincts when it comes to love and have no trouble being honest about what or whom they want and how much they care.

Crabs are usually happiest in stable, committed relationships, but they also enjoy independence and like to have the occasional period to focus on themselves. Since Cancers are known for their creativity, they thrive when they can every so often allow themselves to indulge their imagination and appreciate their own company.

While Cancers are committed and faithful in love, they can also be prone to sacrificing their own health or beliefs for the sake of the relationship or home they've built with their partner. This can lead some Crabs to become stuck in unhealthy partnerships and emotional patterns.

Cancer in Family and Friendship The Cancer sign is fiercely protective of its family and loved ones, willing to go to the ends of the Earth to ensure the safety and security of their home.

These Crabs are exceedingly loyal to close family and friends, and they enjoy spending lots of one-on-one time with loved ones. Cancers often have a small, tight-knit group of friends whom they can truly be open with, rather than a wide network of acquaintances. So if you've got a Cancer friend, know that they truly value your friendship and wouldn't trade anything for it. They're also great for telling secrets to!

Another key trait is Cancer's fondness for nostalgia and upholding family traditions. As such, Crabs are typically the caretakers of cherished memories, photo albums, and other mementos of significant personal value.

This joy in taking care of things extends to people as well: as one of the most nurturing signs, Cancers can make some of the most devoted parents. Big, merry families are precious to Cancers, who feel most relaxed when surrounded by loved ones at home.

Nevertheless, living with a Cancer sign can be tricky since you'll have to deal with the Crab's mood swings and proclivity for brooding. Cancer in Business Cancers do best in jobs that offer them a high degree of security in terms of employment and wages.

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crab pendant - Cancer
Editorial No Ai License 
crab pendant - Cancer
Editorial No Ai License 
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3D Model formats

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  • 3D Studio (.3ds)12.5 MB
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx)11.9 MB
  • Sketchup (.skp)64.9 MB
  • Rhinoceros 3D (.3dm)29.8 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl)57.3 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl)48.4 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-05-15
  • Model ID#3036044
  • Ready for 3D Printing