Tea earl grey decaf. Tea earl grey decaf Original upload date of creation is 9 August 2023. 3D print licence non commercial no derivatives. work in progress details may change, use at own risk, as is. Buy a copy of this stl for $10. for 500 prints only. Re purchase this stl for every 500 prints. Set scale and volume to suit. I do not supply the filament nor printers. This 3D print licence covers all 3d printers private commercial and otherwise.
Notes. volume of tea set in feed rate during slicing, to fill cup in seconds have high feed rate. 1mm extruder tip default. Default stl is drawn to match extruder tip of 1mm, so if you make the thing bigger the tip should match so print times remain unchanged even tho print can be printed twice the size or bigger. Other printer types and settings may use other systems to best suit, always pay this royalty Thank you.