Winter Soldier Arm Printable Models

Winter Soldier Arm Printable Models 3D print model


A 3D-model of the metal arm of the winter soldier from the Marvel films designed by commisison and meant for 3d printingthe model is in two parts, upper and lwoer arm and includes combined files for previewing/cgthe parts are designed for printability and wearability and include both CAD exchange formats for easy editing and printable STL and mesh files in different resolutionsthey can be scaled and stretched and remain easily printable

caleb-toporovsky2021-05-10 01:30:05 UTC
Am I able to wear this?
juliandanzer2021-05-10 02:05:04 UTC
you might have to scale and stretch it a little depending on your arm sizes and you should probably add some layer of cushioning or something but in general it's doable
Item rating
4 2
neo6-1only2024-12-08 19:06:36 UTC
Not Recommended
Walls are way to thick making it uncomfortable to wear, and the rist part is to big so can not cover with glove the design is good for a display peice though but not good for cosplay.
tmhyde932021-07-19 23:50:39 UTC
Not Recommended
model is good quality but the top of the arm for some weird reason is angled away from the shoulder makeing it look bad for cosplay, files are not layed out in any wy that makes sense: the design needs some tweaks, where the arm should be narrowwer its wide and where it should be wide its far to narrow. Made it quite complex with scaleing around wrists and elbows. Wont be able to use if for cosplay but is a cool addition for a dispaly peice on your wall. With the shoulder fix it would be a home run.
redeyedredi2021-06-14 03:24:04 UTC
tripz62021-06-07 09:20:09 UTC
Have only had time for a quick look through the files, has alot of variants and the quality looks great
nystevecf2021-05-23 20:10:04 UTC
Awesome model and it prints very easily!
Winter Soldier Arm Printable Models
Royalty Free No Ai License 
Winter Soldier Arm Printable Models
Royalty Free No Ai License 
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3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Collada (.dae) (3 files)222 MB
  • DXF (.dxf) (3 files)553 MB
  • IGES (.ige, .igs, .iges) (3 files)163 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (6 files)263 MB
  • 3D ACIS (.sat) (3 files)189 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (21 files)447 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-08-21
  • Model ID#2569850
  • Ready for 3D Printing