AoS Victory Point and Battle Tactics and Turn Tracker

AoS Victory Point and Battle Tactics and Turn Tracker 3D print model


This Age of Sigmar Tracker is designed to use 2 D10s to keep track of your Objective Victory Points, as AoS Objective Points and scoring them can vary from battleplan to battleplan.

The peg board keeps track of the 8 current Battle Tactics available through the Generals' Handbook 2021. It also includes the Core Rule Book Battle Tactics if needed.To use the Battle Tactics Pegs, you place the Battle Tactic you are using for that turn into the Tactic Attempt slot. At the end of your turn, you can slot that Battle Tactic peg into the slot for the current Turn you've finished. The orientation of the placed Battle Tactic peg will show which amount of Battle Tactic Victory Points you recieved for that turn, and then you can add them up at the end of the game.

For example, if you did not score any of that Battle Tactics points for your chosen Battle Tactic that turn, you would put the chosen Battle Tactic peg upside-down in the Turn Tracker, showing you recieved no Victory Points for that Battle Tactic. If you did receive points, aim the peg gap opening at the bottom of the peg towards the appropriate amount of Victory Points. This will keep track of which Battle Tactic you attempted for that turn, and which amount of points you add up at the end of the game.

Minimal to no pencil and paper book-keeping required!

Resin printer recommended. Tracker base piece can be printed flat on the plate. Battle Tactics Tokens are pre-supported.

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vaelthurs2021-10-25 09:08:50 UTC
AoS Victory Point and Battle Tactics and Turn Tracker
Custom License 
AoS Victory Point and Battle Tactics and Turn Tracker
Custom License 
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3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (2 files)95.3 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-07-15
  • Model ID#3155083
  • Ready for 3D Printing