This Print is 30 different FILES the original creator of this Vulpix is @Patrickarthk on go check out his files! Why created this Vulpix because Vulpix is one of my favorite Pokémon. I made these files because I know Vulpix is one of the people's favorite Pokémon, and you can easily pick up for a good price on Amazon pick a generic color print Vulpix. Sand the pieces and remove any support or Extra pieces. Then glue him together I use superglue, but you can use any glue like gorilla glue or E6000. I would not use anything other than these because you want him to stay intact at all times. Then go to your local hardware store or Amazon and buy yourself plastic wood Putty, grab a paintbrush, and paint and putty your Vulpix. After he is dry, take 400 grit sandpaper and, gently sand the putty, and re-putty him until he’s super smooth and you cannot see any cracks or lines glued pieces together. After he is finished drying and ready for painting, prime him with a primer that sticks to the plastic. Preferably the brand 2X Because it’s just higher quality. Then, he used acrylic paint to paint himself, and the most important step of all of this is patience. This project will take time.