PickUps ZIP included file formats: -mb -fbx -dae -obj -TGA Low poly: 4463 tris TEXTURES: Pick_up_Red_AO Pick_up_DM Pick_up_MM Pick_up_NM Pick_up_RM Pick_up_HM (4096x4096) PickUp_glass_AO PickUp_glass_DM PickUp_glass_MM PickUp_glass_NM PickUp_glass_RM PickUp_glass_HM (2048x2048) The scene was modeled with Autodesk Maya 2018. All objects are grouped and named correct for easily selections and management. No special plug-in needed to open the scene. Entire scene was modeled at real scale. This model is scaled to real world. Units of measurement: centimeters. All materials named correct. Model include game-ready texture. Very easy to work it.
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