by Ufuk Orbey (shadedancer619) / Made in: Cinema4D R19
This is a nice looking model of a wild west or newer ages poultry train car. Good textures, nice UVs and many detailed parts are included.
Story from http://www.hoosiervalley.org/photos/historic-railroad-photos/live-poultry-cars/
Live poultry cars were invented in 1884 for the safe transporation of chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, and all manner of live fowl.
The Live Poultry Transit Company had thousands of their patented cars built by various manufacturers. A large number of these special poultry cars were built right here in Indiana. The Terre Haute Car and Manufacturing Company produced 50 such cars in 1893 and 27 more cars in 1897. In 1914, the company ordered 240 live poultry cars from the Haskell & Barker Car Company in Michigan City, Indiana. In 1921, the Blacksmiths, Drop Forgers and Helpers Monthly Journal indicated that the company had requested quotes for 100 to 300 additional poultry cars to be built by the Michigan City builder. Haskell & Barker later become part of Pullman Standard. Around 1920, the company’s fleet had grown to more than 2,000 live poultry cars.
Nobody does! I always try to do my best but sometimes unwanted mistakes can be happened unconsciously. If something happens please contact me ASAP for solving the problems immidiatelly.
I am writing this in particular because of some misunderstandings I lived before. Sometimes people prefer to make NEGATIVE RATINGS instead of calling and talking with modellers. If you are the one of them please do not buy this (:just kidding, I know you are a nice people)).
A little nice conversation is able to solve all problems in minutes. I know somehow :))
plcar(SOURCE).C4D is the main file for Cinema 4D users. This needs TEX folder for texturing. PBRs.
plcar.C4D has connected objects and baked textures. This format needs UVTEX folder for materials. No PBRs.
plcar.FBX (v7.5) has connected objects and baked textures same as C4D file. This format needs UVTEX folder for materials. No PBRs.
plcar.OBJ (with MTL) has connected objects and baked textures same as C4D file. This format needs UVTEX folder for materials. No PBRs.
plcar.3DS has connected objects and baked textures same as C4D file. This format needs UVTEX folder for materials (3DS ignores all texture images at opening. You must assign them properly). No PBRs.
plcar.DAE (v1.5) has connected objects and baked textures same as C4D file. This format needs UVTEX folder for materials. No PBRs.
TEX.RAR has 19 texture JPG images for plcar(SOURCE).C4D file. All PBRs.
UVTEX.RAR has 23 UVW JPG images for other formats. No PBRs.
UVW images are in 1536, 2048, 3072 and 4096 pixel sizes. All they are high quality JPG images. PBR images only for SOURCE file. UVs have no PBRs.
57 objects (in baked formats)
132,822 polygons
138,545 points
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