Author: Greggy Lhomme-Hounsfieldwww.panalina.com
C4D R16 file (Native) is ready to use and ready to render.(Maybe re-assign textures links on your file directory)Most 3D Parts of the model are separated and named = easy to edit in C4D.
The rear and front body of the bus are rigged with a C4D module.Probably doesn’t work in other formats.
Available formats: c4d & fbx.
If using other formats than C4D, you may have some work to do:
Default livery of the model is white.Of course, you may easily change colors and/or create your own graphic livery if you know how to manage.
French tags: transports en commun urbains aéroport centre ville soufflet infographiste perpignan infographie prades pyrénées-orientales images de synthèse 3d narbonne beziers montpellier toulouse