In the scene there are 3 models of grapes + trellis.
The grapes are preview propagated by Corona Scatter.
Corona Scatter settings screen in the archive. To get the effect as in the preview,
the model must be united, the first inclined support (Column_001) removed and the rope (Rope_001) aligned along the length.
The landscape used in the preview is not in the file.
Landscape textures + settings screen are included in the archive.
Polys 538 339
Verts 599 731
Vitis vinifera v2 001
Polys: 160 890
X: 202 cm.
Y: 81 cm.
Z: 187 cm.
Vitis vinifera v2 002
Polys: 184 332
X: 198 cm.
Y: 104 cm.
Z: 185 cm.
Vitis vinifera v2 003
Polys: 191 438
X: 190 cm.
Y: 71 cm.
Z: 193 cm.
Archive include:
3ds max 2012 Vray
3ds max 2012 Сorona
OBJ standart material(5 separated files)
FBX standart material(5 separated files)
FBX 2009 vray
V-ray mat
Сorona mat
Have a nice use!