Photo-realistic Tortoiseshell texture comb made to correct scale!
All made out of one clean polygon mesh!
Blender Version: 2.90.1
Cycles Render: 128 Samples
Denoising: Intel Denoiser
Units: Centimeters
Colour Management: Filmic
Dimensions: length 15cm, hight 2.8cm, thickness 3.54mm
Subdevisons: 0
Polygons: 4940
Vertices: 4940
Subdevisons: 2
Polygons: 79024
Vertices: 79026
Formats included Blend-Native, subsurf is the only modifier! not applied in blender file OBJ, 3DS, FBX and STL no subdivisions applied!
Extra Information For the, Tortoiseshell effect I have used a Volume Absorption node! with the Principled BSDF shader to achieve to correct colour effect! Color, Hex: F9B010, The wave effect was procedurally generated and baked onto a base colour map! that’s why a UV map was produced for it to work!
The UV map also opens up the opportunity to easily apply your own textures!
See Principled BSDF shader setup in images