Spanish-2x1-Edicion limitada-despues de tantos pedidos aqui llego mi base para cocinas de alta gama a todo detalle modelada 100% por mi cada elemento - una seleccion de los mejores para cocina fue una coleccion que he ido modelando tras meses de ir modelando cosas para clientes y fui guardando para tener esta base de muebles y electrodomestico todo en base a la vida real ....-Cocina moderna integral 100% dinámica y funcional, 100% modelada por mi en base a muebles y electrodomésticos reales . Herrajería Blum, nevera Samsung Hud, hornos Samsung, lavavajillas Samsung, fregadero RUVATI, estufa inducción Nicola Tesla de extractor incorporado central, Cava de vinos Kitchen Aid.-con esta edicion se llevaran 2x1 no solo los muebles dinamicos sino tambien mi coleccion de modulos base y electrodomesticos english-2x1-Limited Edition-after so many orders here came my base for high-end kitchens in full detail modeled 100% by me each element - a selection of the best for kitchens was a collection that I have been modeling after months of modeling things for clients and I was saving to have this base of furniture and appliances all based on real life .... - Modern integral kitchen 100% dynamic and functional, 100% modeled by me based on real furniture and appliances. Blum hardware, Samsung Hud fridge, Samsung ovens, Samsung dishwasher, RUVATI sink, Nicola Tesla induction stove with built-in central extractor, Kitchen Aid wine cellar-with this edition 2x1 not only the dynamic furniture but also my collection of base modules will be taken with it. and appliances