Description Realistic model of a halloween Jack-o-lantern with good mesh topology (no triangles, no ngons). Model has only 1 object with 2 materials: -Halloween_Pumpkin (textured)Textures assigned to 1 UV map in file: -colormap 800x600 (.png RBG 8-bit) -ambientocclusionmap 800x600 (.png RBG 8-bit)
The mesh is made of 3912 quad polygons only. Pumpkin on the preview renders is smoothed by subdivision.
Preview renders are done using 3ds max 2022 + v-ray 5 *halloween_pumkin_vray_preview.max file includes preview scene with packed textures (if you have 3ds max and v-ray installed just hit shift+q) *halloween_pumkin_vray.max includes the pumpkin with materials set for V-Ray render and packed textures.
If you would like to buy this pumpkin not as a lantern but as a vegetable (no face carved) than you should check my other 3d model :