-Texture size 4096*4096 (diffuse, normal, ambient occlusion and cavity map), PBR ready.
All models available in .max, .fbx and .obj.
Gloria Stone - 1496 poly / 750 verts Eva Stone - 1486 poly / 745 verts Janet Stone - 1594 poly / 799 verts Brenda Stone - 1594 poly / 799 vertsRebecca Stone - 1392 poly / 698 verts Linda Stone - 1394 poly / 699 verts Nancy Stone - 1396 poly / 700 verts Shirley Stone - 1396 poly / 700 verts Lillian Stone - 1474 poly / 739 verts Tina Stone - 1394 poly / 699 verts Mildred Stone - 1596 poly / 800 verts Janice Stone - 1394 poly / 699 verts Charlene Stone - 2004 poly / 1004 verts Carol Stone - 1392 poly / 698 verts Lena Stone- 1394 poly / 699 verts Becky Stone- 1922 poly / 998 verts