Tyrannosaurus Rex Stan
I created this Trex project specally. Unlike other projects, I created it with advanced techniques. It took me more than 3 times more time than normal projects ( 150 hours ). It has very high texture detail. I have designed this Trex model so that you can use your system with the highest techniques and in the best studios. Anyone who wants to do high-quality work can create great projects with this model.
.Animations I increased it to ultra realistic level. Animations - Muscle Motion - Jiggle Effects
.Real dinosaurs Series.
.Tyrannosaurus Rex Stan Model.
.I have tried to add sense of reality. Supports pbr.
-. Polygons = 40362
-. Vertex = 40349
-. Tris = 80630
.Ready . World Scale (cm) . Model is scaled correctly 12.5 m 2
.Walking, run, ambush run, backward, ambush, idle, sitting, stand up, sleep, roar, attack, death, Drinking Water, Eating, sniffing, attack ,tail attack, roar ,leg broken, death, die, get hit, Wakeup, Dodge Left , Dodge Right
-. Textures Type PBR Unity
. ** - Formats : ** . unitypackage - Unity