Special Forces - Elite squad of the Imperial Force

Special Forces - Elite squad of the Imperial Force 3D print model


The squad consists of a commander, a radio operator and eight soldiers. The commander has three pistols and two swords. The rest of the soldiers are equipped with 6 types of firearms. Scaled for 28 mm tabletop.

This squad has pre-supported files (SLA).

All parts have been prepared and tested for 3D printing. We recommend to print in resin. Printing assumes the use of supports.

We will be glad to any suggestions and ideas for expanding the range of our models. We will also be grateful for a photo of a decorated model according to your vision.

Sincerely Yours, RedMakers.


  • Private Use Only,
  • No Derivatives,
  • Non-Commercial.
herby162022-10-24 05:27:48 UTC
Review will be in shortly. But compared to other redmakers guard units(death division, psykers, prime psyker etc), these are at a minimum 10% underscaled. I can't understand why they are but I recommend if anyone is using death division and wanted a scion detachment or was doing kill teams or something you need to scale 110% at the very least. 100% is around shoulder height on the death division kill team.
ainaritxu142022-03-21 09:35:08 UTC
incredible work
realhexy2021-10-22 09:46:23 UTC
I'd buy this kit if it had at more "at ease" model. Standing and not walking. Weapon lowered or a left hand free and dropping down. All of them are tense. Not all situations are tense, even for Special Forces. I want one to guard a door (so he needs to stand still) and there is no immediate threat, so he is not aiming. Otherwise excellent models
redmakers2021-10-22 10:28:06 UTC
This is an absolutely correct remark.
Item rating
3 0
sullyway2024-05-18 20:17:26 UTC
herby162022-11-21 06:34:30 UTC
Excellent Sqaud. Used them to make a Scions Kill team. Models look great. But I will complain about a couple minor things in a bit of detail. In my opinion. Scale is waaaaay off. Not sure why the scale is so small compared to the death division models. but I settled on printing at 112%. Printing them at the scale they come in was a waste of resin. Dudes came out tiny. I don't understand how or why the scale for a redmakers model would be so different between model sets. I'll also say I hate the strapping. Just an aesthetic choice but kinda makes these special ops guys look a bit crummy and less elite. And truly, it was an annoyance to paint. But I'm just whining. models look great and I'm quite happy with them.
stefanhd2022-04-24 16:33:01 UTC
Special Forces - Elite squad of the Imperial Force
Custom License 
Special Forces - Elite squad of the Imperial Force
Custom License 
Response 98% in 12.2h
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (2 files)438 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-10-21
  • Model ID#3338352
  • Ready for 3D Printing