Futurama Hedonismbot

Futurama Hedonismbot 3D print model


Embrace your inner hedon with lashings of melted chocolate and grapes with your very own Hedonismbot.

Fulfil your debauchery with this easy to assemble kit, use glowing filament for the eyes and mouth to really bring our robotic saviour to life and enjoy it to the full!

Very simple to print with any printing method and settings- regular infill and layer height of your choice.

I recommend using super glue to assemble before brushing the entire model with 'Dichloromethane' (Plastic-weld) to melt and smooth the surface to leave you with a lovely finish to spray gold.

The 'Civic Crown' or leaf crown will need to be either warmed and bent to fit over Hedonismbot's head or simply bent by hand as it is printed flat.

Item rating
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Futurama Hedonismbot
Custom License 
Futurama Hedonismbot
Custom License 
Response 81% in 5.5h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (9 files)7.77 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-07-09
  • Model ID#3146640
  • Ready for 3D Printing