HOn30 QLD 6t Sugar Cane Bins

HOn30 QLD 6t Sugar Cane Bins 3D print model


A model of a Queensland 6t sugar cane bin in HOn30 (OO9/HOe) scale.

Model needs a Peco 10ft N scale wagon chassis (NR-121) and couplers to complete. Alternatively, a 3D printed chassis or another model can be used. I’ve used microtrains N scale couplings on my models.

To complete the older style cane bin with metal skirting around the bin some thin styrene cut to shape can be used.

To create the mesh some flyscreen was cleaned, primed, painted silver and cut to shape.

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HOn30 QLD 6t Sugar Cane Bins
Royalty Free License 
HOn30 QLD 6t Sugar Cane Bins
Royalty Free License 
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    3D Model details

    • Publish date2022-04-11
    • Model ID#3693192
    • Ready for 3D Printing