Flight yoke command system for simulator

Flight yoke command system for simulator 3D print model


This is the internal system of a flight yoke for make your own simulator. The system use two meters of elastic rope of 8mm, 4 linear tread 8mm, 2 tread 25mm, 2 dipsticks of 8mm, 5/32 screws, a screw dipstick of 8mm. and two potenciometers. It also have the posibilitie to incorporate a system for make a force feedback yoke system.

Es la parte interna de un comando de avion. El sistema usa 2metros de soga elastica de 8mm, 4 rodamientos lineales 8mm, 2 rulemanes de 25mm internos, 2 varillas metalicas de 8mm, tornillos y tuercas de 5/32, una varilla roscada de 8mm y 2 potenciometros. Tambien tiene la posibilidad de incorporar a gusto un sistema de comandos que se mueva automaticamente sumando un par de motores paso a paso.

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Flight yoke command system for simulator
Editorial No Ai License 
Flight yoke command system for simulator
Editorial No Ai License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (21 files)5.2 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2019-06-02
  • Model ID#2000337
  • Ready for 3D Printing