kitchen modern design

kitchen modern design 3D model


The file includes only 3d model, vray materials and textures.

All pots, cups and plates are lowpolygonal instanced geometry with turbosmooth on top so the real polycount is a lot lower.

Materials are setup for linear workflow, GI disabled - it was faked by vraydomelight with HDRI bitmap.

Vraydomelight with the HDRI bitmap and camera are not part of the provided file, because the HDRI file is too large.

Item rating
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kitchen modern design
Editorial No Ai License 
kitchen modern design
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 81% in 13.7h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Autodesk 3ds Max 2011 (.max)1.71 MBVersion: 2011Renderer: V-Ray 2.4

    3D Model details

    • Publish date2013-04-10
    • Model ID#12791
    • Animated
    • Rigged
    • VR / AR / Low-poly
    • PBR
    • Geometry Polygon mesh
    • Polygons 1,723,252
    • Vertices 886,338
    • Textures
    • Materials
    • UV Mapping
    • Unwrapped UVs Unknown
    • Plugins used
    • Ready for 3D Printing