paulgswanson2023-02-21 04:39:55 UTCIf you use Unreal this model is fine. The unity compatibility was clearly an after thought. It comes with 117 Textures, and Zero materials set up. Of those 117 1/3rd of them are using Unreals texture Mapping. What this means is the Ambient Occlusion Map, the roughness and the height maps are all essentially completely useless.
Additional while this does come with an FBX file, none of the meshes are separated, it is all a single unified mesh. So I cant just pick and choose what to show and what to hide. Luckily i have my own ways to separate submeshes, but -> I <- shouldn't have to do that. It's pretty standard for the meshes to be separate. At first glance it appears to be rigged properly.
Several of the textures should also be Atlased. Having 42 separate material slots is kind of crazy, and really bad for performance. Again I can fix this...but -> I <- shouldn't have to do that. Additionally several of the Submeshes are only single sided. Which means unless you know how to add PBR elements to a single sided mesh you will have invisible meshes.
To be fair once you fix all the issues and Get it all set up it looks rad. It wsa just really annoying and time consuming to set up. My advice is import it into Unity the export using a unity package file. Otherwise its just not ready to be listed as Unity.
Most of the texturing issues are cause by how he exported from substance painter, using UDKs presets... Unreal uses non standard texture maps so you need to go in and basically redo them correctly if you want to use in any other game engine.
All in all, I'm a bit disappointed by the lack of care with listing as Unity and the sloppiness of the mesh merge but for what I paid its decent enough. I got it for 14.00 but Id have felt better if it was 10.00 considering the work required to fix it.
If the mentioned issues are fixed a 20$ for sure.
playertwo2022-07-31 02:01:12 UTCterribly rigged and packaged. joint orientation is out of wack for all joints, the model is all combined so you cant select individual components of the armour mesh in order to apply textures and the textures are even plugged into the character there are no shaders applied.
over all this is a 2/10

Blessed3D2022-04-23 05:54:37 UTC5 stars! for 2022 this model rocks! and i recieved quick help i must say im very happyyyy