Website extremely slow?

Discussion started by lassebauer

Is it just me, or is CGT very very slow these past days? Logging in takes forever, half the time the verification doesn´t work, saving models on wishlist is very slow etc etc.
Other sites seem just fine.
Any comments or thoughts?
No need for me to report this if it´s a problem on my end.


Posted 11 months ago

It has been slow for me since a couple of days. Don't know if it's the new AI search blabla they've or the new verification that's lagging, or both...

lassebauer wrote
Thanks! Good to know it´s not only on my end.
Posted 11 months ago

It's a recurring issue with cgtrader. Once in a couple months the site becomes so slow that it's barely usable. Expect this to be fixed in few days... until next time.

Posted 11 months ago

It's been slow for the past month, thought this was just on my side.

Posted 11 months ago

Hello everyone,

Thank you for bringing up the performance issues you have been experiencing on CGT recently. We apologize for the inconvenience caused. We want to assure you that we are aware of the situation and are actively working on improving the website's performance.

The slowdowns and delays you have been encountering, such as slow logins, verification issues, and slow wishlist functionality, are related to the increased traffic and performance issues with ElasticSearch. These issues are not caused by the new features, such as model verification, but rather by the need to handle the increased load on our platform.

Please rest assured that our team is diligently working on resolving these performance issues to ensure a smoother and faster browsing experience for all users. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out.

Greta from CGTrader

chtazi wrote
HI it is very interesting, if this is due to an increase in traffic, then why are there so few sales?

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